

THE THREE-PHASE PWM rectifier is increasingly used for industrial applications since it has advantages such as constant dc voltage control, sinusoidal line current control, unity power factor control, and bi-directional power flow [1]. For normal operation, it basically requires three kinds of sensors for detecting ac voltages, ac currents and dc voltage. A dc voltage sensor is demanded for the dc voltage feedback control and excessive voltage protection. The two ac voltage sensors are needed to detect the phase angle of the source voltage, which is taken as a reference frame of the controller, and thus to perform input power factor control. The two line current sensors are required for the input current control for boosting action and excessive current protection. Using all of these sensors makes the system bulky and expensive. In addition, the sensing signal is usually subject to the noise and furthermore incidental missing of the signal may deteriorate the system reliability. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce the number of sensors as far as possible. A few research results have been reported to eliminate either source voltage sensors [2]–[4] or line current sensors [5]–[8]. However, no method eliminating both of them has been yet presented as far as authors know. In this paper, a novel method to eliminate both ac voltage and current sensors is proposed, which uses only the dc-side sensors. The phase angle and the magnitude of the source voltage are estimated by controlling the deviation between the rectifier currentand its model current to be zero. On the other hand, the line currents are reconstructed using the measured dc output currents and the switching states of the PWM rectifier. To eliminate the calculation time delay effect of the DSP, the line currents ahead one sampling period are estimated by a state observer, and then the predicted currents are used for feedback control. The validity of the proposed ac sensorless technique has been verified through experimental results for 1.5 [kVA] IGBTPWM rectifier system controlled by a DSP TMS320C31. 那位朋友能幫幫忙!!!萬分感謝!?。?/dt>
提問者:網(wǎng)友 2017-09-10
三相PWM整流器的是越來越多地使用 工業(yè)應(yīng)用,因為它有優(yōu)勢,如 恒定直流電壓控制,正弦線電流控制,統(tǒng)一 功率因數(shù)控制和雙向功率流[1]。為了 正常運行,它基本上需要三個類型的傳感器 檢測交流電壓,交流電流和直流電壓。直流電壓 傳感器要求的直流電壓反饋控制, 超電壓保護。兩個交流電壓傳感器 需要檢測的電源電壓,相位角的 已經(jīng)成為一種控制器的參考框架,從而為執(zhí)行 輸入功率因數(shù)控制。兩線電流傳感器 所需投入的行動和過度刺激電流控制 電流保護。 利用這些傳感器都使系統(tǒng)體積龐大,昂貴。 此外,傳感信號通常是受噪音 并還附帶了信號丟失可能惡化 系統(tǒng)的可靠性。因此,最好減少 傳感器數(shù)量盡可能。一些研究成果 據(jù)報道,以消除或源電壓傳感器[2] - [4] 或線電流傳感器[5] - [8]。但是,沒有方法消除 他們兩人還提出了據(jù)作者所知。 在此提出了一種新方法,以消除交流電壓和 電流傳感器,提出了只使用直流側(cè)傳感器。 相角和源電壓的幅度估計 通過控制偏差整流器之間的模式電流為零。另一方面,線電流 正在重建使用測量直流輸出電流 及PWM整流器的開關(guān)狀態(tài)。為了消除 計算時間的DSP,線電流未來延遲效果 一個采樣周期的估計,然后 預測電流用于反饋控制。 擬議的交流傳感器技術(shù)的有效性已 通過驗證實驗結(jié)果為1.5 [千伏安] IGBTPWM 整流系統(tǒng)的DSP TMS320C31的控制


